Contract Law For Dummies

Contract Law For Dummies

Scott J. Burnham

Language: English

Publisher: Wiley

Published: Nov 10, 2011


Take the mumbo jumbo out of contract law and ace your contracts course

Contract law deals with the promises and agreements that law will enforce. Understanding contract law is vital for all aspiring lawyers and paralegals, and contracts courses are foundational courses within all law schools. Contract Law For Dummies tracks to a typical contracts course and assists you in understanding the foundational legal rules controlling voluntary agreements people enter into while conducting their personal and business affairs. Suitable as a supplement to introductory and advanced courses in contract law, Contract Law For Dummies gives you plain-English explanations of confusing terminology and aids in the reading and analysis of cases and statutes.

Contract Law For Dummies gives you coverage of everything you need to know to score your highest in a...

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