Category: <p><B><I>Herbal Remedies Made Simple</I> is a unique guide to natural healing items you can make yourself; with each herbal remedy showcased in a full-color; split-page design.</B><p>Natural alternatives to traditional medicines are everywhere; even right outside your door!<I> Herbal Remedies Made Simple</I> is an easy and fun way to learn about the <B>many different healing herbs that grow all around</B> us but we seldom see. The best part: once you're familiar with the natural healing herbs around you; <I>Herbal Remedies Made Simple</I> provides you with instructions on <B>creating your own DIY herbal remedies</B> at home.<p>This unique guide book splits its pages in half. The top halves of the pages detail different <B>remedies and recipes for health</B>; <B>personal care</B>; and <B>home care</B>. The bottom pages provide reference material on the herbs used in the project above; detailing the plant's <B>healing properties </B>and how best to work with that herb.<p>Some of the...